When you use RepairPal in tandem with AutoVitals' digital vehicle inspections and workflow solutions, you provide end-to-end transparency to your customers, encouraging them to become lifelong customers and trust your shop for their big-ticket items.
76% more jobs sold with Digital Vehicle Inspections
80% lift in revenue with Workflow Management
Increased car count with Websites & Digital Marketing
Digital Vehicle Inspections
Invite your customers under the hood straight from their smartphone
- Texted inspection results educate the customer on what needs repair and empower them to approve more work
- Canned notes and embedded educational videos make it easier for your Service Advisor to sell large repairs
- Increase your ARO by 20% in the first 90 days
Digital Vehicle Inspections
Invite your customers under the hood straight from their smartphone
- Texted inspection results educate the customer on what needs repair and empower them to approve more work
- Canned notes and embedded educational videos make it easier for your Service Advisor to sell large repairs
- Increase your ARO by 20% in the first 90 days
Workflow Management
Increase technician and service advisor productivity
- Easily manage and track your technicians' time
- Reduce phone calls with automated status notifications that let your customers know when their vehicle is ready for pickup
- Integrated 2-way texting makes it easy to communicate with customers
Automated Customer Retention
Create life-long customers
- Smart service reminders remind your customers to schedule an appointment based on their driving habits
- Automated appointment reminders dramatically reduce no-shows to boost your bottom-line
- Initiate lost customer campaigns to invite former customers back to your shop with special deals
Workflow Management
Increase technician and service advisor productivity
- Easily manage and track your technicians' time
- Reduce phone calls with automated status notifications that let your customers know when their vehicle is ready for pickup
- Integrated 2-way texting makes it easy to communicate with customers
Automated Customer Retention
Create life-long customers
- Smart service reminders remind your customers to schedule an appointment based on their driving habits
- Automated appointment reminders dramatically reduce no-shows to boost your bottom-line
- Initiate lost customer campaigns to invite former customers back to your shop with special deals
AutoVitals has allowed us to show the customer exactly what is going on with their vehicle versus just telling them in hopes they trust our word... This has allowed us the opportunity to show our customers pictures with explanations to show them what needs their vehicle has and they are in control of deciding what we repair. We encourage anyone who is interested in this program, to have a meeting with AutoVitals. When they say you will increase revenue with this addition to your business... they are correct!"
Jim Hobson
Hobson's Auto Repair